Yellow "Caution Wet Floor" sign in the middle of a hallway

Watch Your Step! Preventing Slips, Trips, and Falls in the Workplace

We have all been there at some point. An awkward stumble, an untimely fall, or embarrassingly tripping in front of co-workers. And while for some of us taking a tumble in the workplace might only lead to embarrassment, for many others it leads to serious injury. Slips, trips, and falls in the workplace are more common than you may think, so common in fact that, according to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, they are one of the leading causes of workplace injuries, with over 42,000 workers hurt annually in Canada. Falling from heights might be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about falls in the workplace, but in reality, the statistics indicate that workers are more likely to experience an injury from a fall at ground level than from a fall at heights.

The cost of slips, trips, and falls in the workplace is substantial to employers and employees. Injuries resulting from slips, trips, and falls contribute to nearly 20 percent of time-loss injury claims for employers. Workers’ compensation claims cost an employer an average of $11,000 per incident; however, the estimated actual cost can come close to $60,000 when you consider any productivity and business loss, and the cost of replacing an injured worker.

Organizations can also face fines and other legal repercussions if they are found in violation of occupational health and safety regulations or have not practised due diligence to prevent workplace injuries. When employees experience a slip or fall in the workplace, they not only suffer financially with lost wages and potential medical costs, they can experience temporary or permanent disability, and even a reduced quality of life or depression due to suffering pain or not working for a long period of time.

Slips, trips, and falls can easily happen to anyone in any organization and have significant effects on the organization and those injured, so it’s imperative to know why they happen, and how to prevent them. Download our Accident Prevention Guide to learn how you can help make your workplace safer by better identifying risks and hazards.

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