Image of a turquoise pad lock on a black screen

The Password Is ‘Password’: Steps Everyone Should Take for Cybersecurity

As attacks on technological infrastructure have become more prevalent, legislators and regulators have imposed strict responsibilities on organizations to maintain appropriate safeguards for data under their control. The wealth of medical, financial, and personal information that some organizations maintain about their patients, clients, or patrons is often all too tempting a target for hackers, and failing to take adequate steps can ruin a business, even if there are no specific legal consequences. While legislation generally explains that organizations must have plans and programs for safeguarding information, there is often a lack of detail regarding exactly what those plans and programs should look like.

Phishing attempts are a more common type of hack where hackers attempt to collect personal information or deliver a malicious attack through fraudulent websites, texts, or e-mails.

Some phishing attempts can be very convincing, so employees must be skeptical when they receive an unexpected e-mail and know how to spot common tricks. In our featured online training course, we do exactly that – provide your employees with the tactics and tools to help them develop the skepticism needed to identify these threats.

Training is just part of the bigger cybersecurity picture as there are other ways hackers attempt to get your organization’s information. Most of them are beyond the average user’s control and would fall under the IT department’s responsibility. All employees, though, must do their part by following guidelines set by IT for using virtual private networks (VPNs), updating passwords, using personal devices, and so on.

Even if you don’t think of your organization as being involved in technology, chances are good you still have some vulnerable data or systems that need protection. Download our FREE Cybersecurity 101 Guide for the basic aspects you should continually monitor to help protect your organization from potential threats.