A person holding a globe wrapped in bubble wrap

Save the Earth and Save Money: How Going Green Makes Business ‘Cents’

Environmental responsibility has become a popular concern lately. People are going green at home with energy efficient appliances and lighting, and the zero-waste lifestyle movement has encouraged individuals to buy in bulk, stop using disposable plastics, and use refillable and reusable containers. The same individuals are also looking for businesses they support to take on green initiatives and environmentally friendly operations.

Many businesses believe that going green is expensive and increases operating costs, but introducing green initiatives in the workplace can actually save money. The financial effects of going green are not only attracting new sources of revenue from environmentally conscious clientele, but also saving money directly by reducing disposable waste and energy consumption.

Having an eco-friendly business is an attractive quality that clients and potential candidates look for in a company and is a crucial part of corporate social responsibility. With increasing awareness of how climate change, pollution, and the destruction of natural habitats harm the environment and our health, people are willing to support and pay more for services from a business that demonstrates its commitment to sustainability.

As a strategy to address climate change, the federal government recently introduced a carbon tax that directly affects specific industries and businesses. While some larger organizations have engineered and structured their entire business model around sustainability, that’s not practical or affordable for everyone. There are, however, many things smaller businesses can consider to do their part in the matter.

Everyone has a role to play in minimizing their environmental impact within their organization. Download our FREE Guide to Creating an Environmentally Friendly Workplace, which provides tips for businesses of any size. These tips can help reduce carbon footprints, improve the company image, and save money, all by making small, easy to manage changes.

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