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Questions Frequemment posees
pour les problèmes d’assistance courants
I need help logging in
Having trouble logging into your Citation Canada account? This quick guide will support both admins and users in getting back into your account.
For Platform Users
If you cannot access the platform, you can use the forgot password function here (https://app.hrdownloads.com/forgot-password) with the e-mail address that your organization’s administrator entered to set up your Citation Canada access.
If you are trying to log in for the first time, refer to the activation e-mail sent to you by your organization’s administrator. The subject line should be, “Your Citation Canada account is now active!” Follow the instructions in the e-mail and any on-screen prompts from our platform.
If you do not know what e-mail address was used or are unsuccessful with any of the above steps, please contact your organization’s Citation Canada administrator directly.
For Account Administrators
If you cannot access the platform, you can use the forgot password function here (https://app.hrdownloads.com/forgot-password) with the e-mail address associated with your Citation Canada account. This should be the address where you most recently received an e-mail from our company
If for any reason the password reset does not resolve the issue or if you have any follow-up questions, please give us a call at 1-877-438-9763 extension 2 so that we can better assist you. -
I’m having trouble with a quiz
Having trouble with a Citation Canada quiz? This quick guide will support both Admin’s and Users in common quiz hurdles.
For Platform Users
If you are unable to take the quiz after clicking the “Take quiz” button, you should be presented with a message explaining why you are unable to take the quiz. If you are still having issues, please speak with your organization’s HR administrator; this should be the person who assigned you training. Most often, this message will indicates they have enabled a feature that requires employees watch the training video before they can take the associated quiz. Please note that this function is based on the total runtime of the course.
If you are getting this message it means that your organization’s HR administrator has enabled this feature, and you must watch more of the video to unlock the quiz.
For Account Administrators
If an employee does not see the quiz after clicking the “Take Quiz” button, check the product settings for your organization (https://app.hrdownloads.com/hr/my-account/product-settings).
As an administrator, you can decide whether your staff must watch the training video before they can take the quiz. Most clients enable this feature to ensure employees absorb and retain the content delivered.If this feature is toggled on, the employee must watch the training video for at least 50% of its duration to unlock the quiz. This feature is measured by the runtime, so if an employee skips ahead, they still must meet the runtime threshold to unlock the quiz. The employee will be presented with a pop-up informing them that they need to watch more of the video.
If you have toggled on this feature, you can be confident that the user needs to watch more of the video to take the quiz.
If for any reason this does not resolve the issue or you have any follow-up questions, please give us a call at 1-877-438-9763 extension 2 so that we can better assist you!
Still having trouble?
I’m having trouble with e-mail verification and changes
Having trouble with an e-mails being sent ? This quick guide will support both Admin’s and Users in common quiz hurdles.
For Account Administrators
If you are changing an e-mail address in HRdrive and the new address does not appear to be saving, the employee must first confirm the e-mail change for the system to update.
For security purposes, when an HR administrator updates an e-mail address for an active employee in HRdrive, two messages are sent:
- A message to the original e-mail address on file to let them know that their e-mail has been changed on the account; and
- A message to the new e-mail address that contains a link for the employee to click to confirm the e-mail change.
Once your employee clicks the link, their profile updates with the e-mail address you entered, and any subsequent communications go to that new e-mail. If for any reason this does not resolve the issue or you have any follow-up questions, please give us a call at 1-877-438-9763 extension 2 so that we can better assist you!
I’m having trouble changing a user’s access level
Having trouble with changing a user’s access level within our platform? This quick guide will support Admins in changing user access.
For Account Administrators
If you would like to add or change an HR administrator, it is easy to do on the platform:
- First, make sure that the person you want to grant administrator access to has been added to the Citation Canada platform.
- Then, to complete the process, simply add the HR administrator role to the “Access level” field on their employee profile (located in the Personal Details section).
You can also refer to the administrator quick-start guide here (https://app.hrdownloads.com/hr/my-account/support), which contains useful information about assigning access levels on page 10.
Still having trouble?
I’m having trouble adding employees to the platform
Having trouble adding your employees to Citation Canada’s platform? Give this quick guide a read for more information on the process.
For Account Administrators
If you would like to add employees, it is easy to do on the platform:
- First, click on “Employees” from the purple navigation bar on the left.
- Then, on the right-hand side of the page, click on the ellipsis icon ( … ). If you want to add a single Employee, click Add Employee. If you want to add employees in bulk, click Bulk Import.
You can also refer to the administrator quick-start guide here (https://app.hrdownloads.com/hr/my-account/support), which contains useful information on adding employees on page 6.
Still having trouble?
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